Home Gateway to Connected Experiences

The decentralization of social-public experiences is even more intensified in this future; we will no longer need to travel outside the home to work, entertain, and experience the world. Development in immersive and spatial technology enabled ‘sensification’ of digital contents and recreation of human-spatial cues in the virtual space. We can enjoy the same level of sensorial experience in virtual environments as we do in real life. At the same time, these virtual sensorial pods have become widely available and affordable for anyone to access, in both private homes and public spaces.

Sensorial pods are reconfigurable to fit the programmatic needs - it can become an office meeting space, a drinking bar, or a fitness exercise pod.

We imagine that these virtual sensorial pods will become an essential feature for our homes. Demand for sensorial pods will increase in new home constructions and retrofits; individual homes will have a dedicated space for private sensorial pods, and housing communities will include these pods as shared amenities.


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