Delivered to You

More than e-commerce and online streaming of experiences, in this future, there are autonomous vehicles that cruise around the city that are fitted as traveling doctor’s offices, governmental agencies, or even cultural exhibitions and performance spaces. These ‘programmed’ vehicles will deliver services and experiences that were only available in public spaces to the private doorsteps of our homes. These deliveries will complement virtual services by providing in-person experiences to those in need.

In this city, the increasing need for last-mile delivery of services and goods will locate ‘micro-fulfillment’ and ‘micro-warehouses’ near our homes. Instead of office buildings and retail spaces in city centers and local downtowns, we will see vacant spaces being repurposed into micro-warehouse and fulfillment centers.


The city of distributed, fragmented, on demand, and object-based experiences


Digital Publics - Digital public infrastructures supporting hyperlocal and global communities